EUMETSAT Information Day for the Western Balkan NMHS
EUMETSAT will hold its biennial Information Day for the Western Balkan NMHS on 13-14 April 2021.

EUMETSAT will hold its biennial Information Day for the Western Balkan NMHS on 13-14 April 2021.
13 April 2021
13 April 2021
The EUMETSAT Information Day for the Western Balkan NMHS, organised by EUMETSAT and the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, under the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, will be held on 13-14 April 2021 virtually on zoom.

The main objective of the biennial meeting is to provide users in this region with information on EUMETSAT's satellite programmes as well as on its contribution to the EU Copernicus programme. This year a specific focus will be on the transition to the new generation of Meteosat: the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG). Discussion will focus on the necessary upgrade of user capacities to benefit from this new generation, which will perform an unprecedented amount of weather observation to support prediction and monitoring of severe weather events among other applications.
The EUMETSAT Information Days are organised on a biennial basis, in line with EUMETSAT objectives to serve users beyond its member states. The aim is to facilitate access and use of EUMETSAT data and products in Europe to users, supporting regional and national needs. The first information day was organised in 2009. Since then, all national meteorological services in the region have infrastructure for accessing, processing and interpreting satellite data, and their personnel is regularly trained on these data and products. EUMETSAT organises information days for the Western Balkan region, and one for the Eastern Europe, Caucasian and Central Asia regions.