Sentinel series
Delivering the marine and atmospheric composition missions for Copernicus.

Copernicus is the European Union's Earth observation programme and offers information services that draw from satellite Earth observation and in-situ data.
18 January 2024
16 April 2020
The Sentinels are the satellites which were developed to meet the specific needs of the Copernicus programme. Sentinel-1, -2, -3 and -6 are dedicated satellites, while Sentinel-4 and -5 are instruments to be flown on board EUMETSAT’s Meteosat Third Generation and Metop Second Generation satellites.
EUMETSAT operates the Sentinel-3 and -6 satellites and processes and disseminates their data. EUMETSAT will also operate and deliver products from the Sentinel-4, and -5 instruments.

The Copernicus Sentinel-3A and -3B satellites observe global ocean colour, sea surface temperature and sea surface height. EUMETSAT operates the satellites, in cooperation with ESA, and delivers the marine data on behalf of the European Union.
Find more about Sentinel-3.
The Copernicus Sentinel-6 mission measures global sea surface height, an observation crucial for climate monitoring. The data also are important for seasonal weather forecasts and ocean forecasts. Other instruments assess temperature changes in the troposphere and stratosphere and support weather forecasting.
Find out more about Sentinel-6.

Sentinel-4 and -5 instruments
The Sentinel-4 instrument, on EUMETSAT’s Meteosat Third Generation satellites, will monitor air quality over Europe. The Sentinel-5 instrument will be flown on EUMETSAT’s second generation Metop satellites and will monitor global air quality and climate-impacting trace gases and aerosols in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Find out more Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5.
Contributing missions
EUMETSAT also provides the Copernicus programme’s services with products from other missions, including from our Metop and Meteosat satellites, Jason-3, and international partners’ missions.
Find more about CO2M.