16th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa
The 16th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa is organised in collaboration with Météo Bénin.
Monday 09:00-12:15 – conference opening session
Tuesday 09:00-09:45 – Philippe Ciais, CNRS on the severe convective storms experienced in Europe in June 2021
Wednesday 09:00-09:45 – Andy Brown, ECMWF on using satellite data in global Numerical Weather Prediction
Wednesday 12:45-13:45 – A round table discussion, with invited speakers on Early Career Scientists at EUMETSAT, with contributions from William J. Blackwell, Associate Leader of the Applied Space Systems Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory; Michaela Hegglin, Director at the Jülich Institute of Energy and Climate Research — Stratosphere; Remko Scharroo, Altimetry Project Scientist at EUMETSAT
Thursday 09:00-09:45 – Luca Brocca, National Research Council of Italy on remote sensing for hydrology
Friday 09:00-09:45 - Frank Kaspar, DWD lifting the renewable energy potential in Europe with high quality data records
Friday 13:00-13:30 – conference closing session
For detailed information see the full program.
A session where EUMETSAT partners (i.e. CGMS, ESA, NASA) are invited to present their satellite development and potential synergies.
Session chairs: Pamela Sullivan, NOAA/NESDIS and Paolo Ruti, EUMETSAT
This session would like to explore the wide use of the MTG and EPS-SG data with a specific focus on nowcasting, global and regional numerical weather prediction. The session is also meant to overview the user’s requirements underpinning these missions and their expected benefits.
Session chairs: Mohamed Dahui, ECMWF and Sreerekha Thonipparambil, EUMETSAT
The new space has enhanced the availability of weather, climate and environmental data. This session would like to explore the fast growing landscape of satellite applications, especially where there is a direct use of satellite data in key sectors (i.e., energy, health, agriculture), their socio and economic impacts and how new space might impact future observations architectures.
Session chairs: Kotaro Bessho, JMA and Federico Fierli, EUMETSAT
- The applicability and utility of new methods to further exploit satellite data and products requires an advanced cloud environment and a new way to work together. In this session we would like to hear about new ways to bring together the community into the cloud system to solve scientific and operational problems and specific applications of AI and ML to different component of the seamless earth system value cycle, and strategic planning of transformational projects into the cloud system.
Session chairs: Xavier Abellan, ECMWF and Roope Tervo, EUMETSAT
The widespread use of satellite data into key domains, such as ocean and coastal zone management or health monitoring, demands a more accurate understanding of future user’s requirements. This session intends to collect input on new applications of satellite data in key areas (i.e. ocean, atmospheric chemistry) and the elaboration of new user’s needs and their implications to future architecture.
Session chairs: Philippe Chambon, Météo-France and Remko Scharroo, EUMETSAT
This session is meant to discuss about the status of satellite long-term climate records and their usage. Programmatic aspects addressing the international framework, such as GCOS, are welcome.
Session chairs : Susanne Mecklenburg, ESA and Paul Poli, EUMETSAT
Watershed management and hydrological modeling require very high resolution (space and time) and highly accurate rainfall data. This session would like to scout new development in rainfall and hydrological products where satellite data play a relevant role. At the same time, analyses of new requirements are welcome.
Session chairs: Silvia Puca, Protezione Civile Italy and Jochen Grandell, EUMETSAT
This session would like to review advanced web-based options for searching and downloading datasets, discovering tools and techniques for accessing, subsetting, filtering, mapping data, and for creating visual representations of the data.
Session chairs: Martin Raspaud, SMHI and Daniel Lee, EUMETSAT
EUMETSAT believes in fostering the scientists of the future, and invite applications for our early career scientist initiative. Applications are open from anyone aged 32 or younger who have up to 24 months of job experience. Eligible papers should cover any use and application of EUMETSAT satellite data along the main themes of the conference.
The Scientific Programme Committee will select five papers that receive an award, consisting of travel funding and free conference participation for the EUMETSAT conference in 2023. The selected papers will be especially promoted during the conference.