Science studies
Improving EUMETSAT product quality through scientific studies
To continually improve quality and respond to end user needs, EUMETSAT conduct a range of scientific studies for the evolution of our operational products suite and for the development of new products.
29 August 2024
16 April 2020
Algorithm studies
Operational missions
Geostationary Ocean Colour demonstration products
Instantaneous retrieval of aerosol properties from geostationary imagers using i-AERUS-GEO
Level 1
Copernicus Sentinel-3 SLSTR thermal infrared uncertainties and level 1-0 monitoring
Aerosol for Copernicus EUMETSAT Swansea (ACES)
AIRWAVE-SLSTR: an algorithm to retrieve TCWV from SLSTR measurements over water surfaces
AIRWAVE-SLSTR follow-on study
Cloud top pressure development from Sentinel-3 OLCI
Improvement of the Copernicus Sentinel-3 OLCI Water vapour product - COWa
Sentinel-3 synergy cloud mask development
SLSTR AOD retrieval performance (SARP)
Altimeter 1D-VAR Tropospheric Correction (AMTROC)
BRDF correction of S3 OLCI water reflectance products
Daily Photosynthetically Available Radiation for S3 OLCI Ocean Colour
Evolution of a Bayesian cloud detection scheme
Ocean Colour Fluorescence product
Ocean Colour Bright Pixel correction
Ocean Colour Standard Atmospheric Correction module
Science for Marine Surface Temperature (Sci4MaST)
Sea-ice surface temperature retrieval and validation for Copernicus Sentinel-3 Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer
Sentinel-3 Altimetry GPD+ Wet Tropospheric Correction
Sentinel-3 OLCI Inherent Optical Properties (IOP)
Spectral matching Atmospheric Correction for Sentinel Ocean colour measurements (SACSO)
Future programmes
ComboCloud: MW & IR sounding of cloud properties
ERA - Enhanced Retrieval of Aerosol properties: reference and NRT algorithm prototype for the 3MI mission
Geolocation Assessment/validation Methods for EPS-SG ICI and MWI (GAMES)
O2 band Cloud Top Pressure retrieval with METimage
Optimal interpolation scheme for MWI and ICI
Optimisation of the GRASP Algorithm for the 3MI L2 aerosol retrieval
Scattering properties of frozen hydrometeors at MW and sub-mm wavelengths
3MI cloud algorithm development support
Development of a cloud radiation database for EPS-SG ICI IWP retrieval
Characterisation of ocean surface roughness in NWP
Snow Cover/Extent Demonstrator from Optical Sensors (SEDOS)
Development of an alternative hyperspectral Moon phase reddening model
Geometrical quality assessment tool
Inter-comparison of satellite-based volcanic ash retrieval algorithms supporting WMO SCOPE-Nowcasting
Ocean Colour Multi-Mission Algorithm Prototype System (OMAPS)
Improving BRDF and aerosol models for calibration above desert
Revisiting the Direct Assimilation of Scatterometer ‘Sigma0’ over the Ocean
Test data and simulations studies
Future programmes
Generation of MTG FCI and IRS INR observations
High Spectral Resolution Geostationary (HSR Geo) simulations
IRS retrievals and applications at high satellite zenith angle
C-band High and Extreme-force Speeds (CHEFS)
EPS/ASCAT ocean wind assessment
Test data for the EPS-SG instruments METimage and 3MI
Contribution to the NOAA OSSE to estimate EPS-Aeolus impact on NWP
EPS-Sterna impact assessments for precipitation nowcasting
Mesoscale Improved Data Assimilations of Scatterometer winds (MIDAS)
Lake ice characterisation from altimetry missions
Instrument characterisation and product validation
Operational missions
Analysis of GOME-2 (FM201-3) slit function measurements
Independent validation of CH4 products from IASI
Validation of ASCAT measurements over cold target regions
Sentinel-3 SLSTR calibration methodologies and protocols
Science for Marine Surface Temperature (Sci4MaST)
Statistical Degradation Model for Optical Sensors
Copernicus Altimetry Services (COPAS)
Future programmes
ATDNet network redesign feasibility study
Comparison of ground-based LLS network data to ISS-LIS in MTG LI domain
Comparison & characterisation of ATDnet versus LIS
Planning of LMA campaigns in Africa for LI cal/val
Use of IASI Reconstructed Radiances in AC/AQ Retrievals
Study on atmospheric absorption models using ISMAR data
Upgrading Aeolus aerosol observational capabilities towards improving air quality and NWP models
Automated optical sensor registration monitoring tool - OSMON
Study of atmospheric motion vector speed biases in the tropics
Literature Review: Miniaturized Concepts for Spaceborne Hyperspectral Earth Observation